Member-only story
Tiny But Mighty
Shining a Light on a Little Tale
I had my first piece of fiction published in February by Bag of Bones Press for their horror anthology. I sit comfortably at page 62 with a 206-word story entitled “One Fine Day”. It’s a great little piece which started from a single line that sat simmering in my drafts then suddenly crystallized in one sitting when the call opened. I thought the story had a good chance at being selected and was beside myself when I got the acceptance. Me? You want me?
But I submitted a second story that didn’t get published. I’m proud of it and while it didn’t find a home with that publisher, deserved a space in the spotlight.
Here it is…
By Chance
A hard knock from the radiator startled him awake. His room was still shrouded in darkness as he unfurled his comforter.
She starts work at 3:00am. Maybe this time I’ll go inside.
He threw on the nearest pair of pants and tee shirt.
The lights in the kitchen flicked on as Anna set her bag down in the office. She put on an apron and passed the display case on the way down the hall to the fridge. Even across the parking lot, she could see him standing there. This was the tenth night he’d stood waiting in the dark. Her boss had brushed off her concerns…